Saturday, March 26, 2011

pity thanks but encouragement welcomed

So, my analytical, phelgmatic self, realizes that this blog could be seen as a ploy to get people's attention and cause them to have "pity" on me because of the subject of some of my posts. I realize that some people think that showing emotion, specifically sadness and hurt, to the world is a sign of weakness and insecruity.  To that, I say, "For when I am weak, HE is strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

I've been a fairly private person about my situation and, although I know I shouldn't have to justify my actions, I believe that it's time for me to be open and real.  My goal is to let my thoughts, good, bad, happy or sad, be known to whoever clicks on the link. I will always end with something postive because I'm not looking for a pity party but I will gladly accept encouragment. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."  1 Thessalonians 5:11

God has brought me through so much of my hurt and I just want to continuing healing and in turn, give some light and hope. and honestly, if you have a problem with it, then don't read it. :)

PS: this was seriously in response to none other than my Type-A, phelgmatic personality. I can already see another blog topic! lol

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